I get the wonderful opportunity to work together with entrepreneurs. Some of just started their new business venture, some have worked tirelessly at it for a couple of years. As an entrepreneur myself, I can tell you that it's not easy. I like to say "you ride a roller coaster of emotions. One day you are up, the next you are down and screaming." But for those who know and understand the challenges and potential pitfalls, the benefits are amazing. One of those is time.
Now, don't get me wrong. While most entrepreneurs don't work the traditional 8-5 schedule, we do work pretty much around the clock. And if you are like me, some days there are just not enough hours in the day. Or the week. Or even the month.
And that's where Alphabet Marketing comes in. I strive to take things off of my partners "to do" lists For many, that's marketing advice and strategy. For others, it's creating and running a social media campaign. For even others, it's creating a website. No matter what project I take, I make sure that it gives my partners that precious thing called "time" back. As they say, time is money. And for many entrepreneurs in this economy, they are not only managing the business plan, but they are posting to social media, updating their website, and even opening, operating and closing their business daily because of the lack of qualified employees. Not only will that hectic lifestyle cause their business to suffer, their personal health and relationships will suffer.
When I meet with my partners, I smile knowing that I am taking some major items off their list and giving them back the gift of time. Time for other, more important things. Like time for themselves, their friends and their families.